Wednesday, 5 October 2016

G324 Planning Music Video - Narrative Devices and Storytelling Techniques

In my music video project I will use the following storytelling and narrative devices:
  • Symbolic Devices -

- Definition = The use of symbols to signify ideas and qualities by giving them meanings that are different from literal sense.

- Example used = I will use the time on the mobile phone to connote that time flies and life is too short for people. The car used in the mid and final section of my video will serve as the symbol of freedom and escape.

-Examples of Media = Arctic Monkeys 'The View From The Afternoon'

  • Repetition -
- Definition = The recurrence of a certain action or event that took place.

- Example used = I will repeat the prologue at the end of the video which will serve as the epilogue to connote the realism of life and how boring it is on a continuous basis. This method will also contribute to my narrative taking the form of a cyclical story.

- Examples of Media = Björk 'Bachelorette'

  • Embedded images / photos -
- Definition = Images that are embedded within the video.
- Example used = I will use this method within the group photo at the end, the camera will zoom out of the photo and show the phone which has this photo as a wallpaper.
- Examples of Media = Death Cab for Cutie 'Grapevine Fires'
  • Clocks -
- Definition = In media terminology this is the use of time within the video (literal showing of time).
- Example used = I will use the alarm on the phone to show the time of work and boring lifestyle, this is also used to connote that time goes by way too quickly. I will also use different times of the day to show that the day has gone once again quickly and create a juxtaposition that work life is slower and dull in comparison to fun and happy times that are bright and go by quickly.
- Example of Media = '24' TV Series
  • Ellipsis -
- Definition = The filling of a gap within the video's narrative.
- Example used = This will be used within the transitions of the three sections, also I will use this within my prologue to fill in the times of getting ready and going to work.
- Example of Media = 'The Walking Dead' (Use of 'now' and 'then' to fill time)

  • Framing Devices -
- Definition = In literature, film, television, music and other forms of media, a framing device is a technique where the same element such as a setting, event or piece of music is used in the beginning and the end of the video.
- Example used = This would be the prologue and epilogue of the video as it will take place in the same area (bedroom) and the phone will be used the exact same place, time and context.
- Examples of Media = 'Lost' TV Series
  • Proairetic Code - 
- Definition = The opening of an action which the audience want to see the close of it, this builds tension and does not directly raise questions, this foreshadows future events.
- Example used = The alarm will connote a foreshadow of the use of time, a text from the characters boss may also appear in my video which my connotes him being scolded for taking time off work in the future.
- Examples of Media = 'The Walking Dead' (Many Examples - Prologues foreshadow events), 'Breaking Bad' (Mike's investigation throughout the series, each section of a series leads Mike to the breaking point of Walter and leaves him without support). 


  1. That is a comment! Will get this done as soon as I can!

    Kind Regards,
