Monday, 11 July 2016

Possible tracks to use for Music Video project

For the past few months me and my project group members have been researching unsigned music bands. We had found many of these bands and songs but some where turned down and some we discovered may not fit the concept for our video (which is still in discussion), however we have showed three songs to our curriculum tutors and we were given the go ahead for any of the three that I have embedded below.
The songs that were chosen are:

  • 7he 7ouch (The Touch) - Maybe We Believe 

= This is a British Unsigned Band, they have an official YouTube account and many social media accounts, which gains only a few followers. The song is very touching and upbeat which matches our concept of our video targeting for an 'Summer' theme and an upbeat atmosphere. The idea of the lyrics could match a road trip / or a certain journey "Take my hand" is the lyric that sparks this idea and the song is also upbeat and used probably in festivals which connotes an idea of adventure and endurance.

  • The Shakers - Bombay Fun

= Another Unsigned British Band, once again connoting another Summery theme through the calming instruments of the electric guitar and the soothing voice of the singer of the group. The song once again attires an upbeat atmosphere and the title of the song seems exotic and 'fun' and Bombay can connote an overseas trip as it is a popular holiday location.
  • No Love - Young in Love

= The song is very upbeat and electronic which matches the concept of a youthful lifestyle that is present in our video, similarly to Bombay Fun the instruments are very soothing and the song is catchy which is a common connotation for Summer Songs.

All of the songs that are embedded above are still being decided by myself and the rest of my team, all of these match our video and they are all appropriate. With more research on these songs we will make our final decision soon.